A server administrator must be aware of the processes that take place on it, its performance as well as the behavior it has when performing the tasks for which it was installed; all this without sacrificing valuable computer resources, that is, maximum efficiency is required.
Linux-Dash is a great web-based monitoring tool that allows you to visualize the behavior of your server in real time, without sacrificing resources. The requirements for its execution are really few: PHP to be interpreted, Apache to be accessed from the web and git, if you want to clone your project from github.
Installing Linux-dash
1.- Upgrading the system and installing required packages
Before installing any application it is always convenient to update the entire operating system, thus ensuring that we have many security patches and making our system less vulnerable to attacks. Open a terminal and then type sudo -i, when entering the password, you will be root and can continue with apt.
:~# sudo -i :~# apt update && apt upgrade
Now we must install the necessary packages to run linux-dash.
:~# apt install wget unzip git apache2 php7.2 php7.2-json libapache2-mod-php7.2
2.- Getting Linux Dash
To get Linux Dash on our server, we can do it in two ways: by cloning the Git repository or by downloading the source code directly. In this tutorial, we will use git cloning.
:~# git clone https://github.com/afaqurk/linux-dash.git
And now we move it to the path /var/www/html/:
:~# mv linux-dash/ /var/www/html/
Then we change the owner of the folder.
:~# chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/linux-dash/
Next, verify that the shell_exec and exec functions are enabled.
Open the file /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini. Now, we must locate which functions are disabled. Find disable_functions section.
Finally we proceed to restart apache.
:~# systemct restart apache2
3.- Using Linux-Dash
This is enough to access from your favorite browser:
and we’ll see something like this:
We can see that its use is very simple but the options presented are enough to have our server monitored.
Now we have to visualize the rest of the tabs looking for information.
It is also advisable to visit their github site for more information about this application.
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