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How to Install Flowblade Video Editor

There are a number of video editors available on Linux. In fact, there are quite a lot of them for using in our everyday usage. However, the fact is, most of the editor software only focus on providing a basic implementation of video editing capability on the Linux platform. Very few are focused on providing the right environment for hardcore video editors. Flowblade is highly optimized for advanced & power users.

Interested in enjoying the power of Flowblade? Let’s install it in our Linux system.

Installing Flowblade

Flowblade is available on all the major Linux distros.

  • Ubuntu

This video editor is available on the Ubuntu’s default software repository, no need to add any additional PPA. Just run this command in the terminal:

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sudo apt install flowblade

  • Debian

Flowblade is also in the repository of Debian. Run this command:

sudo apt-get install flowblade

However, because of how Debian works, the repository version of the software is expected to be lower than the latest. For enjoying all the latest features, download and install the latest Flowblade DEB package. At first, download the DEB package from the official Flowblade release page.

Now, run these commands for installing the latest DEB on Debian. Assuming that your downloaded DEB file is in the “~/Downloads” folder,

cd ~/Downloads

sudo dpkg -i flowblade-1.16.0-1_all.deb
  • Fedora

For installing on Fedora, you have to enable the RPM Fusion software repo first. Run the command for enabling the repo:

sudo dnf install http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-X.noarch.rpm

After the repository is enabled, run this command:

sudo dnf install flowblade
  • OpenSUSE

It’s available for OpenSUSE users, but for installing it, you have to enable a 3rd-party software repository. Run the command according to your OpenSUSE version.

# For OpenSUSE Leap
sudo zypper addrepo http://packman.inode.at/suse/openSUSE_Leap_42.3/ packman

# For OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
sudo zypper addrepo http://packman.inode.at/suse/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/ packman

Now, refresh the software repositories of Suse and install Flowblade.

sudo zypper ref

sudo zypper install flowblade
  • Arch Linux

For enjoying this awesome video editor software on Arch Linux, the Arch Linux User Repository is here. You have to install Git at first.

When the installation is complete, grab the latest PKGBUILD of Flowblade.

git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/flowblade.git

Build and install the package.

cd flowblade

makepkg -si


  • Flatpak

Thanks to the attempts for creating a universal installation method, Flowblade is also available on Flatpak. Install Flatpak on your system first. Then, run the following commands for installing Flowblade flatpak package on your system. This method is universal and can be enjoyed on all the listed and non-listed Linux distros.

sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

sudo flatpak install --from https://flathub.org/repo/appstream/io.github.jliljebl.Flowblade.flatpakref -y

Enjoy the awesome video editor!

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