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What is Windows Insider and what does it mean to be part

Windows Insider is a program from Microsoft to assist with system updates. Users who have signed up for the program enjoy free updates made by the programmers. Before they reach ordinary users. This in exchange for helping to develop new features for Windows 10.

Pros of being a Windows Insider

Besides collaborating with the development and improvement of Windows 10. Among the positive features of being part of Windows Insider are

  • Having official free Windows 10: Certainly not with the final versions, but with the trial versions. However, in the last rings the risks are minimal. Since most of the errors have already been corrected. And, in fact, you will have the free Windows as long as you use the Insider Previews only.
  • Enjoy the new features first before they are shown to others: New features arrive in the rings months before they are officially released. The faster and more unstable the ring, the faster and more you will receive updates.
  • Choose the level of stability or ring. Windows Insider is divided into 6 rings. The first 3 rings are available to Windows developers. The last 3 rings for Windows Insider users. The lower the stability of the ring, the more updates or builds you will have. The rings are:
  1. Canary Ring: Here the Windows developers propose and test for the first time the updates.
  2. Windows and Devices Group Ring: Here are the approved updates in the Canary Ring.
  3. Microsoft Ring: Here comes the approved updates in the Windows and Devices Group Ring. In this ring both developers and other Microsoft workers can approve the updates.
  4. Quick Ring: This is the first public ring for Insiders. Here come the beta versions of the next updates. It is the most unstable and the highest moving level. Because the versions probably have a lot of bugs or errors.
  5. Slow Ring: Here are the most stable updates after passing the Fast Ring.
  6. Release Preview: This is the point before the release of the updates. It’s the most stable ring with the least movement. Because the errors in the updates must have been corrected when you got here.

Cons of being an Insider

Like everything else, there are also negative aspects to being part of the Insider community. Among them are:

  • You can’t enjoy the final versions: While you are part of Windows Insiders, you can’t have the final updates obtained with license. That is, you will never enjoy the latest version that you help improve.
  • System instability: As updates are released, bugs and errors are common. This gives little stability to the system. Therefore, it is preferable that the computer you use to be an Insider is for personal use and not for work.

These are some of the features of Windows Insider. Would you like to be part of the Insider community? In our next post we will explain you step by step how to join. In the meantime, don’t forget to check out our latest article on

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