The development of quality software is accompanied by quality database managers. That is to say, that they are stable, robust but to this is added the scalability. In other words, the ability to progressively increase the volume of data without losing performance. In this sense, NoSQL database managers are increasingly popular with developers. Especially in those who make applications for the web or mobile. There are many managers, but one simple, easy and very efficient to use is ArangoDB. That’s why, in this post, I will show you how to install ArangoDB on OpenSUSE 15.1 that has recently been released.
We have already talked about ArangoDB in osradar because we like it. However, I will explain briefly what it is. ArangoDB is a NoSQL database manager. Actually, it uses a language implementation called AQL. It has a community license and a business license which makes it ideal for multiple projects. ArangoDB has earned the respect of the community and large companies for its scalability and replication capacity with multiple us.
So, let us get ArangoDB on OpenSUSE.
Install ArangoDB on OpenSUSE
ArangoDB does not leave many things to chance, that is why it has multiple installers for the main Linux distributions. And OpenSUSE is, so the installation will be done from the official repository of the application.
For this, first of all, it is necessary to update the system.
:~$ sudo zypper up
Then, add the ArangoDB repository.
:~$ sudo zypper --no-gpg-checks --gpg-auto-import-keys addrepo
Next, import the GPG key for the repository.
:~$ sudo zypper --no-gpg-checks --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh
Then, install ArangoDB.
:~$ sudo zypper -n install arangodb3=3.4.5
And that’s it. So, it is necessary to configure ArangoDB before using it.
Configure ArangoDB on OpenSUSE
Set a root password and access to the shell
First, we must define a root password. To do this, run the following command:
:~$ sudo arango-secure-installation
After that, you can start ArangoDB and use the shell.
:~$ sudo systemctl start arangodb3 :~$ arangosh
However, it is possible to enable the ArangoDB web interface.
Enabling the ArangoDB Web interface on OpenSUSE
ArangoDB’s web interface is quite friendly. Not only will it allow a better manipulation of the data but it will give us access to other functions. So it is a good idea to enable it.
To do this, you need to edit some configuration files:
:~$ sudo nano /etc/arangodb3/arangod.conf
Inside the file, locate the [server] section and in endpoint place the IP address of the server where ArangoDB is installed. There are several examples of confirmation. You can add a domain or if you are running it locally use localhost or Also, there will be shown the default port of the application.
Press CTRL + O to save the changes and CTRL + X to close the file.
We have to do the same with this other file:
:~$ sudo nano /etc/arangodb3/arangosh.conf
After that, open the ArangoDB port. And restart the ArangoDB service.
:~$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=8529/tcp --permanent success :~$ sudo firewall-cmd --reload success :~$ sudo systemctl restart arangodb3
Next, open your web browser and go to your server using the port. For example,
As you can see, you can now log in. Use the root user and the password you defined before. Next, select the database you will use.
Finally, you will see the main screen.
So, enjoy it.
OpenSUSE is a fairly stable system that is used for many purposes. Among them, there is the server one. So it is possible to install and configure such a new tool as ArangoDB without many problems. With this tool, you will have a powerful and very scalable database manager.
Now tell us, do you use ArangoDB? Do you use OpenSUSE 15.1? Let us know in the comments.
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