The world spins and spins, that is to say, every time technologies and alternatives to the already existing ones arise. We live in the age of data and information, and that is why it is necessary to have a database manager ready for use. Especially if we take into account that the applications are becoming more and more demanding. With this in mind, is that effective alternatives to SQL databases arise. Some of these alternatives are widely used in mobile phones and others in cloud computing applications. So, today I will show you how to install ArangoDB on CentOS7.
We’ve already talked about ArangoDB on this site. ArangoDB is a NoSQL type database handler, that is, it does not use the traditional data storage system as in MySQL or PostgreSQL. ArangoDB stands out for being high performance, open source and easily scalable.
As you can see, we are in the presence of a database manager for a fairly defined segment of the market. On the other hand, ArangoDB has community and enterprise versions for business projects.
So, let us start to install ArangoDB on CentOS 7.
1. Upgrade the system
First, you need to update the system completely. With this, you will have a faster and more agile system to perform the tasks. In addition, you will have installed the latest security patches intended to solve problems in the packages.
:~$ su :~# yum update
As I said before, updating the system is necessary to improve the stability and security of the system.
2. Install ArangoDB on CentOS 7
The most efficient way to install ArangoDB on a CentOS 7 system is to do it through YUM. For this, it is vital to add the official repository of ArangoDB. So, let us do it.
:~# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ :~# curl -OL
Then, you can start with the installation of ArangoDB using YUM.
:~# yum install arangodb3
After that, you have to enable and start the ArangoDB service.
:~# systemctl enable arangodb3 :~# systemctl start arangodb3
It is a good idea to check the service status to find some issue.
:~# systemctl status arangodb3
So, ArangoDB is correctly installed and it is running properly too.
Finally, you can access to the ArangoDB console
:~# arangosh
Now, you can start to use it.
3. Using the web interface
ArangoDB has a quite friendly and useful web interface, with it you will be able to make multiple configurations and operations in a very friendly way. To enable it is necessary to edit some configuration files.
:~# nano /etc/arangodb3/arangod.conf
And add the following:
endpoint = tcp://SERVER_IP:8529
In my case, it would be something like this.
After that, do the same with the other configuration file.
:~# nano /etc/arangodb3/arangosh.conf
Then, restart the ArangoDB service.
:~# systemctl restart arangodb3
Next, set the firewall rules to allow the use of the port 8529 by ArangoDB.
:~# firewall-cmd --add-port=8529/tcp --permanent :~# firewall-cmd --reload
After that, open the web browser and go to http://SERVER_IP:8529
and you will see this:
Now, we have to change the root password. Just type:
:~# systemctl stop arangodb3 :~# ARANGODB_DEFAULT_ROOT_PASSWORD=your_password arango-secure-installation
You can also run the command to change the root password:
:~# arangodb_secure_installation
Go back to the web browser and log in.
Next, select the database.
And you will see the main screen.
As you can notice, ArangoDB has a fairly simple installation process, taking into account its potential. For it, it has a repository for CentOS 7 that facilitates the process of installation and update.
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