Windows is the reference operating system in the information technology market since the standardization of computers. Certainly, in other markets such as smartphones, it did not manage to be the leader after the collapse of Windows Phone. However, it has continued to have enough tools to remain at the top of the market in its main line of business. This is due to the quality that Windows offers in the market. However, would you know that you can still get more out of the operating system? Stay reading to know about 6 Windows secrets you didn’t know.
Windows: Secrets and Easter eggs.
Known as Easter Eggs are special features and commands. In fact, when activated, they allow users to enjoy a series of differential qualities. They are options that need to be activated manually to take advantage of all their benefits. In this sense, Windows has managed to establish some additional tools to offer a better user experience.
There are tricks to optimize the system. However, today we will not focus on them. Here are some hidden features that you may not have known about. Let’s see, therefore, what are those qualities that you can only have by performing just a few steps. It is also a very interesting alternative from the point of view of innovation and performance. Finally, we will see how easy it is to apply them by executing just a couple of commands. Here is all the information that will be very useful for you to be able to carry them out.
Tricks and Easter eggs you can see on Windows with just a few steps
There are a number of key elements that are hidden on Windows. If you want to enjoy some features that are not very popular in this operating system, here are some of the clearest examples.
Star Wars CMD Code
The Star Wars CMD code is one of the best Easter eggs we can find on Windows. It is compatible with all operating systems that support Telnet, including Windows 10. However, it is important that before you can use the command, you must enable Telnet. To enjoy its advantages, you just have to run Win + Q, type telnet and select Enable or disable Windows features in the results. Subsequently, it will be necessary to go down until seeing the option Telnet Client, marking this option next and press OK. You will have to wait until Windows completes the requested changes, and then you will have to click on Close.
From that moment, it will be enough to press Win+R to start the Run menu. Then type cmd and press Enter to open the command prompt. Then run the following command:

Certainly one of the most curious Windows secrets that we can find.
Slide to shut down
The screen shutdown function can be performed very simply. You only need to press a button for a couple of seconds to see how you don’t need to press a whole sequence of buttons. Microsoft hid an EXE file called SlideToShutDown in the C:Windows System32 folder. Thanks to this function, it is possible to set up an easy alternative to turn off the device. This is undoubtedly one of the few positive experiences that could be obtained from the operating system created for mobiles.

If you are in so-called tablet mode, try pressing the power button for 3 or 4 seconds and SlideToShutDown will start automatically. If you are using Windows on a desktop, you can create a shortcut to launch this shutdown option.
Windows Explorer 3.1 from 1992
Do you feel nostalgic for the first operating systems used in the nineties? If this is the case, even in the Windows 11 version, you can enjoy a service capable of imitating windows and other aspects related to those versions. To access the system, just run the ODBC Data Source Administrator option. With this in mind, press the Win+R combination to invoke the run box. Once there, enter and execute the command odbcad32. Once started, you will have to select the field with the words Microsoft Access in the title and then, in Database, press Select.
Exit Explorer
Exit Windows Explorer is much simpler than it seems. Besides, it is not necessary to go to the Task Manager. In order to access this menu, you just need to press the Exit Explorer option while holding down the Ctrl + Shift keys. This option allows you to exit Windows File Explorer in a very comfortable and simple way.
Impossible options for Naming and renaming folders
Try to include the following terms as folder names, and you will see that it is impossible. PRN, AUX, LPT (number), COM (number), NUL and CLOCK$ are not supported by Windows. Consequently, you will not be able to call folders containing files that way. Now, why does this even happen in Windows 11? This is a relic of DOS, something that has been kept for the nostalgic ones.

Ultimately, we have seen these Windows secrets that you may not have known. Undoubtedly, some curiosities that will make you give a different touch to your Windows of always. See you soon!