The new version of Ubuntu has been recently published. As we already know it is an LTS version which implies that it will have official support for at least 5 years. This makes it the logical choice if you want stability and durability. The truth is that it’s a pretty rounded and accomplished version and everything works fine. However, we can always customize it and that’s why we present you 5 things to do after installing Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Before we start, we must clarify that these things I propose you can do after the installation, are simple recommendations. That is, it’s up to you to decide whether to do them or not.
On the other hand, it is assumed that a minimum installation of Ubuntu has been done. I always advise to do it this way because it is easier to add things to it than to take things away. It also makes it faster because you have to load less stuff.
So let’s get started.
Things to do after installing Ubuntu 20.04
1.- Upgrade the system
Upgrading the system is the best way to keep an operating system safe.
Ubuntu has been released but the development and maintenance have just begun and part of the maintenance is the incorporation of security patches that improve the stability of the system.
On the other hand, it is also possible to obtain new versions of some programs such as Firefox or Thunderbird. Very important in daily work.
So, you have two ways to do it. The first is by using the graphical interface. From the main menu, choose the Software Updater option.
The other is faster and more direct than using the terminal. If you are a newbie, do not worry it is quite simple and believe me when I tell you that it is faster and more efficient.
Open a terminal from the Dash or the main menu and execute these commands:
:~$ sudo apt update
And then,
:~$ sudo apt upgrade
After entering your user password and accepting the changes, the download will begin.
This is important to do frequently to keep the system stable.
2.- Enable the partner repositories to allow installing more software and install the hardware drivers
Although Ubuntu repositories are quite comprehensive. There are some programs subject to legal terms that do not allow their inclusion there. Not even in a default installation.
So, to install these programs you have to enable the universe, multiverse, restricted, and Canonical Partners repositories.
Open the main menu and choose the Software and Updates option and click.
In the first tab called Ubuntu Software, enable all the repositories as shown in the image.
On the tab called Other Software, enable the Canonical Partners repository.
Close the window and the update of the repositories will start. When finished, you will have more programs available to install.
Then go to the Additional Drivers tab and install the proprietary drivers for your hardware. Always select the one recommended by the system.
3.- Install the proprietary codecs
Remember, I’m assuming this is a minimum Ubuntu installation. So it is likely that the necessary codecs to play proprietary formats are not installed.
In addition to this, if you work with word processing, it is a good idea to install the Microsoft fonts as well.
This can be done by running the following command:
:~$ sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras
4.- Install more software
As it is a minimal installation, the logic is that there are almost no applications installed. This is a disadvantage at first because it gives us an incomplete system but it is also not bad that we are the ones who choose what to install.
Install LibreOffice:
:~$ sudo apt install libreoffice
To play all kinds of multimedia content:
:~$ sudo apt install vlc
An image editor like Gimp is also necessary sometimes:
:~$ sudo apt install gimp
Or a less complex one for basic operations like Pinta:
:~$ sudo apt install pinta
Or to perform torrent downloads:
:~$ sudo apt install deluge
But there’s plenty more you can install from the Ubuntu app store. Take a look.
5.- After installing Ubuntu 20.04, take a look at GNOME
For some time now GNOME has been the default desktop for Ubuntu. At first, it all looked bad because GNOME has earned its reputation for being heavy and demanding.
Despite this, the integration between GNOME and Ubuntu has only gotten better. To the point that Ubuntu 20.04 is much faster and smoother thanks to the optimization work that GNOME has done.
Now, GNOME is a very customizable desktop environment through extensions that you can get on the website from this site.
And to manage them is the Gnome Tweak tool. So install it:
:~$ sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool
And there you can even further customize the GNOME desktop.
This has been perhaps the best version of Ubuntu in a long time, but it can always be improved or better adapted to our needs. There are still many things to do but they depend on each user.
Now you’ve learned the 5 most fundamental things to do after installing Ubuntu 20.04 now all that’s left is for you to enjoy it.
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